and there was yet another fight outside,
(there seems to be a lot of fights at Zouk recently eh?)
Anyways, Cee is kinda shocked why the security allowed it to escalate to such an exciting scene.
Usually they are much more efficient.
anyways, lets say the fight wasnt in english, but we only can catch the gist of it,
someone was knocked out unconscious, some girl was screaming,
some guys shouting.
anyways, we were outside, and guess who we saw wasted and friendless

this poor guy,
was puking all onto his shirt.
Ok, we arent that kind to take a photo,
but we did tried to wake him up and at least get him out of his puke.
but he was just dead.
Goodness, terrible.
Where did his friends go?
i suspect he wasnt a really nice guy,
so his friends made him drunk and left him there.
so lessons learnt kids, dont club with your hate club.
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