Friday, April 24

And the Big Wind BLEWWWWWW

And so, two days ago, the Big wind blew across Singapore in the night,
HUGE-ASS of a wind.

And the next day, One of our JeeCee staff members who works in the CBD area was telling me there were fallen HUGE-ASS tree branches all over the pavements and roads.

So what do you think cause the wind??
(Oh come on Readers of JeeCee, you know you are free to bitch here, and you can be anyone that u want to be)

We think that it could be:
a. A huge school of faeries flying past Singapore during the night.
b. Malaysia has gained some psycho-assed machine to control the weather.
c. Indonesia has gained some psycho-assed machine to fan the haze over to Singapore. (ahh, doesnt that make sense?)
d. Someone farted.
e. Storm really exists. X-men really exists. (GASPPPP)
d. thailand had a psycho-assed machine that even Singapore could feel it. (HAHA, ok i should stop)


Huge-ass of a wind

I love huge asses

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