Thursday, April 9


JeeCee feels the pain of the lady who ate the poisoned Rojak and passed on.
And also the mother who lost her baby.

Our favourite Tabloid told us that the market is infested with Rats.
And that the hawkers complain that the market hasnt been washed for 3 years.
And Cleaning and Washng period is the first time in three years.
Obviously TNP is hinting that some environmental agency hasnt been doing their job, even though it should be paid to do so.

Lets not talk about it as a governmental body, but as a form of power who has been issuing fines like nobody's business.

Let me tell you a story.
When one of our staff of JeeCee moved house, One of that AgENcy person went to the place, and knocked on the door, and obviously nobody was around because people moved out.
And then there was a summon for the owner, who was one of out staff's Mom. So M was summoned to court and that AgENcy person sweared on oath that he saw M and she didnt opened the door to let him in.
And M was exasperated.
She is just a housewife, she has no reason to lie to the court, when she has never saw that asshole in her entire life before.
So she didnt want to drag it out in an aimless court battle because she can't afford to, and she had to pay a hefty 3000 + fine.

And then someone at JeeCee's grandmother was fined $200 for not throwing away the water in her flower pot.

You get all these money and you dont bother cleaning Geyland Serai Rat infested area until someone dies.
Great agency you are.

You guys be the judge.
There is a need to be address here.
If its an environmental problem.
Admit it.
Dont give words like the environment at Geyland Serai has been up to standards, kept in check etc etc.
Cause when blatantly everyone around there know it isn't.
Take some responsibility.

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