Monday, April 6

Ok, the ban has been lifted.

And Boy do we have a lot to talk about.

Edison chen first press conference.

Firstly he got his first press conference after one year.
seriously it felt really not that long ago.

and of course come on, we know asking him to promote the show is such a gimmick.
cause seriously, without edison, the show would be like any typical movie.

Cee and Jay (Our elusive Guest Writer, who hasn't yet written anything yet, because he feels that he doesnt have the right mood and topic to make his maiden post) spotted the Poster at Lido, while we went to watch Shopaholic,

Cee: Hey, its an edison chen show? I thought there were no more Edison Chen shows?
Jay: Yea. This is an Edison Show
Cee: Then where is he?
Jay: right in front of you.
(apparantly, Cee was too blind to realise that Edison with his clean look, portrayed behind the other two actors)
Cee: Who are the other two actors? Whose Richie Jen? and Whose Xiao Ming? HAHA. Xiao Ming?! (Pardon Cee, for his ridiculous no sense for some of the Chinese Culture, yes, he is ashamed, but hes still proud of his Chinese roots and his one quarters of Perenakan Roots)
Jay: Richie Jen is like Richie Yen in Chinese?

Ok, so the point to prove to you that Edison Chen sells movie now,
cause almost everyone knows how he looks like under those clothes.
Ok not everyone, Cee has never seen any of those pictures of videos, But all he knows is that people been complaining his peewee is small and that some female celebrity didnt shave.

So the reporters ask him whether he will go back into the entertainment industry to help his bankrupt dad?

JeeCee doesnt know that his dad was bankrupt


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