Monday, April 13

Boy, do we have something to complain

hello guys and girls,
This is Cee here.
AND boy, do i have something to complain.

I was at the Bugis area,
and so i was thinking of popping over to Topshop/Topman to get a little pressie,
Jee has always told me that the staff at the Bugis branch is really bad,
i didnt really hold a thought about it until i experienced it myself.

So in i went, and i wanted to get this double breasted bomber hoodie.
So i asked this girl that has this awful glum face that screams, they dont pay me enough for this crappy job, and so i asked, hi where is you double breasted bomber hoodie?

And she was like its there there there. point point point.

I cringed.
First step of Customer Service,
Dont point point point,
Show the customers where it is.
And pointing with your index finger is rude.
No one taught you that?!

But then there was this customer who was gave her some clothes when i realise that she was the dressing room girl.
She's fine, besides the big boo boo that she pointed and not bring me to the place.
So she shouted to her other colleague to show me where my elusive double breasted hoodie might be.

So this colleague of hers turn out to be this really small sized little boy, probably not older than 16? and so he brought me to the "hoodie area"
and rattled the hangers, "the hoodies are here, here and here"

I was er, hello, i asked for the double breasted bomber hoodie.

All u show me are awful white, grey and boring hoodies.

so he was silent for a few seconds, so i asked,
are the double breasted hoodies sold out?

and he looked at me earnestly, and in a really patronising and fake way, "Yea, sold out"

OH yea right u bloody liar,
its so fugging obvious u have no idea what i am talking about,
because there are four double breasted hoodies this season,
and i asked for the bomber, which comes in two colours,
and you didnt even know what colour there was.
U total lousy shit.

You didnt even understand the meaning of Double breasted, cause when i said Double breasted, Bomber Hoodie, Your mind only registered hoodie.

Seriously, How can u be working in retail, when you do not understand what you are selling?
And i am complaining because Jee and I, we always patronise Topshop/Topman Wisma to the point that some of the stuff know us, and we would always ask for their opinion when we try on stuff, and they are of great service, and the best thing, they know their stuff so well.

Furthermore, Jee complained to me that when she was there once, the manager or supervisor scolded one of the staff directly in front of her,
and was really agitated as she was transacting Jee's purchase, with Jee's card and dress.

Wing Tai, please do something about this Bugis branch, it was awful.

Gosh Heavens, we will never shop there again.


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