Monday, April 13

Hello all

Yes, this is Cee here.
I am glad that you guys get to meet Vee,
One of our Guest Writers.
trust me, shess fabuloussssss.

Jee is busy with a project that will end in April, so she has to take a breather,
But she promises to make up for the missing posts, in May.
So the front of JeeCee is being held by me, and our guest writers.

Anyway, the SIFF (Singapore International Film Fest, for those who live under the rock) is on at the moment, so do go and catch any of the Films that are screened at the moment.
And of course MDA is being a bitch about censorship and all. (and we are not talking about ratings here,but censorship)

Here's the schedule:
Schedule of SIFF

Go and catch our own Singapore films,
cause we have so much raw talent.

And here are the films that have been withdrawn:

(Extracted from the SIFF website)
The 22nd Singapore International Film Festival (SIFF) regrets that it will be withdrawing the following films from the Festival, as they have been disallowed or passed with edits by the Board of Film Censors, Media Development Authority (MDA) of Singapore.

Film Titles – Disallowed / Passed with Edits:
Boy (Disallowed)
Shahida (Disallowed)
An Extraordinary Study of Human Degradation (R21 with edit to prolonged sexual scenes)
Female Games (R21 with edit to prolonged and explicit lesbian sex)
Melancholia (R21 with edit to explicit sexual and lesbian scenes)
Blind Pig Who Wants to Fly (M18 with edit to prolonged homosexual sex)

The Festival stands by its no-cut screening policy. All the filmmakers of the withdrawn films have been informed. The filmmakers of Boy have decided to withdraw the film from the Asian Feature Film Competition of the Silver Screen Awards. For Blind Pig Who Wants to Fly, the 22nd SIFF will hold a closed-door jury screening for the film, and it will be competing for the Silver Screen Awards

We at JeeCee believes that SIFF has a great stand, and are totally behind it.

And on to another point,
Zouk is going to be celebrating its 18 birthday!
So look forward to it babes.

News is rather slow today,
So u guys stay busy, and stay fab,
xo Cee

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