Friday, April 10

For that couple that walked naked in Holland Vee

Yes, today, they were hauled to court.
Our Singaporean girl is an A*STAR PHD scholar.
and the Angmoh guy, is a Swede.

Seriously, here at JeeCee, we feel that they totally rock when they try to stand their ground,
and JeeCee is all for expressing your voice in a restrictive environment.

However, they shouldnt be persecuted just because some stuffy uptight asses are making a big fuss about it, but about the kids without good parents to explain to them what is happening.

If my kid saw these two walking around, i would tell him/her that they are expressing themselves, and i want them to be fully expressive of themselves,

However, a normal cock-head parent would have said, xiao ming/ girl ah, cover ur eyes! got two naked people, cannot see cannot see.

Ah, yea, the impressionable kids.

And Kai Er, ("In her teens, Ms Eng was a competitive ice skater who got to represent Singapore in Skate Asia, the largest ice-skating competition outside the United States. She was also a member of Mensa, an association whose members are defined by their high IQs." CNA)

Rock on,
JeeCee supports you.



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