Wednesday, March 25

An A-list friend of mine whispered into my ear that day,
that Singaporean guys (especially gays) are trying to carry the Man-bangs look

and in turn they look like crap.

well, dears, we are know its because of Zac and Chace,
but some people are able to carry it off,
let me give u an example, ah of course Daryl P.

You dont know who is that?
Shame on you.

So guys.
chop off those Man Bangs
or work your ass off to make it work.

xo Cee.
( you know when its me, and when its Jee, cause Jee always tend not to sign off)'

thanks to all those that are here to support this site in our early stages.
Here at Jee-Cee, we wont let you down.

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