Sunday, March 22

Popcorn for the ears!

Reply to Cee: Please I just dream of licking his abs. That will suffice.

Here at Jee&Cee we post up things we like! So:
You know sometimes how we have nothing better to do at home, so we decide to play dress up to figure out which outfit to wear for That Clubbing Event coming Saturday Night, or the Date on friday, or if you're just as vain as me - for school the next day.

Here are some songs you can blast on your iTunes while parading around in your outfit, and you can pseudo club-dance to the sounds of it, (like how i secretly do!)
  1. Right Round by Flo Rida feat. Katy Perry
  2. Kaboom! by Urusla 1000
  3. Bohemian Like You by The Dandy Warhol
  4. Hearts in Pain by Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers
xo Jee

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