Friday, March 27

This blog deserves some BITCHING and some gossip.
and come on, what else would be more fun than bitching.
So ok,
here we know, that in singapore, if you want to hang with the glamorous and famous,
you need to kowtow to the queen of the moment.
Something like the Singaporean Oprah.
and the Queen of the moment is a certain doctor that you know, (whose name is an american state) and no doubt that Jee-Cee will want to pay homage to her.

She had a party last year, at the Red Dot Museum where she invited the Who's who and Up and coming people to her Greek and Glamorous Party, that had half naked men carrying her into the room on a bed, and flame eaters and Pan LL as one of her maidens. Hear this Pan LL as ur maidens. How big is that?

News came that she specially air flown her Prada dress from Milan for a certain certain magazine party that celebrated its four years young.
and furthermore she was featured on the cover for Singapore Tatler for Singapore's new breed of chic, stylish socialites.
So hear us now,
the oversized permed hair in loud dresses socialites are passe, now its a new generation.

and we want to pay homage, my dear doctor.

We also heard that A certain Power stylist was rocking Louis Vuitton "Panties" in the above mentioned magazine.
Fucking rocking.

ok, so this post isnt much about bitching, but more of gossip. Shall we leave the bitching to next time?


(He's leavin' on that midnight train to Georgia.
Said he's goin' back to find the simpler place and time)

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