Tuesday, March 31


to CEE: WHAT THE FFUCK LIPSTICK JUNGLE IS GONE FOR GOOD?!?!?!?!?! HUH!! okay granted Lipstick Jungle is a ripoff SATC (okay not exactly what!!) and the storyline may be a bit boring to some (but its damn sexciting to me). urgh stupid NBC.

Anyway, Lily Donaldson did an editorial for Vogue Paris (April 2009), titled 'No Smoking'. Perhaps making a dig at pregnant-smoker-mums? Have never been a fan of Lily Donaldson but got to admit that she looks pretty damn good (and spunky-mom-like) here. Anyway here in Singapore, smokers aren't allowed to smoke like 5metres away from shopping malls, and you can't smoke in clubs/pubs as well.


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