Saturday, April 4


Ok, this is whats been rocking JeeCee, one of the many friends of JeeCee, has an ex girlfriend, lets call her YSC (Yes, its her again! and yes thats her initials!) has been a ridiculous dipshit.
Heres the lowdown, So Friend of JeeCee, lets call her The Most Adorable Whiny Lesbian (TMAWL)
and YSC broke off like a gazillion years ago. TMAWL was depressed and sad, and wanted YSC back, but YSC was a totaly bitch, and thinking that this was great way to punish TMAWL.

Ok, even though many names have been called about the staff from JeeCee, like for example: bitch, slut, etcetc, But this seriously insane childish crap behavior takes the cake.

So YSC thought that she was like ultimate bitch, punishing TMAWL by putting her through hell, but hi, there can only be a major queen bitch, and SHE resides at JeeCee (our boss) and when TMAWL got over YSC, and start to date other people, YSC panicked like nobody's busineess.

And was going ballistic psychotic, threatening to jump down from TMAWL's place, crying, waiting under the block, giving the impression shes ruining her life by partying (she was like a dead fish when we people at JeeCee partied with her. She just stood there)

Anyways, she demanded money from TMAWL asking her to pay for the camera that she bought. Ok the fact is that TMAWL was too nice a girlfriend and offered to pay back everything for the camera, and YSC being such a loser, she said yes.

You dont give presents to people and then ask them to pay you back.
You bloody cheapo.

This is the conversation that YSC calculated.


WTF right.


im too close to posting out her photo.


aye said...

she's fucking absurd!

a concerned reader said...

i realised that you have changed the initials and removed certain parts of the entry.

is there something wrong?

dun worry... u can approach me.. i've got friends who are lawyers..