Monday, April 6


peeps of the world,

if there is anything that you need us to take down, especially the bitching,
please do not hesitate to contact us at

We people at JeeCee have receive news that we might be sued,
so we would like to apologise to YSC, for any hurt that is caused.

We didn't mean to hurt you, but then we didn't really say your name out in public too.
So in other words, you cannot really sue us, because we did not name you out explicitly and furthermore, if you dont say, and i dont say, no one will really knows who u are.

So peeps of the world,
this is an official Apology to YSC,
We are sorry for any hurt that we caused you.

And Peeps, if you guys enjoy reading JeeCee, do support us by telling us your reactions, by just clicking on the boxes provided or you can by spreading the word of JeeCee, (you can join the facebook group and invite your friends to join the group. The link is at the side),cause we at JeeCee, have just gotten ourselves into trouble for the first time, and we need some love and support.
We dont earn anything when we blog, just wanting to bring some fun, laughs, art, love, beauty when we blog.

We have been warned by our bosses to stop posting for a while

Jee, Cee and staff

Official Announcement:
JeeCee will cease posting for 24 hours, in respect to make an apology to YSC, and will resume at 23:59 on 7 April 2009.


a concerned reader said...

what kind of trouble are you guys in?

trouble with the law? or they come fine trouble with u?

i can find my brothers help you...

aye said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! concerned reader! i want to be your brother too!