Thursday, April 2

Flasher in Singapore

The New Paper reported that there was a flasher in a Cheers store at Braddell early in the morning.
and he's said to wear a dark green trench coat and green loafers.
and he flashed his peewee at a girl buying instant noodles.

Now thats insane.
Lets analysis it,
Firstly, which dumb blonde decides to buy instant noodles from Cheers? their prices are 3 times the normal rate.
and hello girl, There is McGriddles! McMuffin, McHotcakes, McBig-breakfast, McCofee.
Notice how when u add A Mc in front, it becomes fattening.

and secondly,
every normal guy knows that your peewee contracts in the cold morning air, if u leave it hanging it there, furthermore this idiot stayed in Cheers for a while.
Dumb ass.

And where the fuck is your fashion taste?
Dark Green trench Coat with green Loafers?
what are you? the New SAF uniform?
Oh by the way, i shall not start on the SAF uniform.

This is what the New paper wrote "The man is described to be in his early 20s and about 1.65m"

Quite short ah.
and looking from the photo in the papers, his trench coat is as short as his physique

and 1.65?!


and dude, u can be a exhibitionist for all that we at Jee-Cee cares, but dude, u got to find the correct audience.


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